Resolutions are hard to keep. Why? Because we often make them so ‘idealistic’ that we almost set ourselves up for failure. A lot of the time too, they come from a place of shame, disappointment or other low feelings about ourselves. I’ve said before, time and again, that it’s ok not to be perfect at everything. It’s ok to have some things that are not deemed perfect. Let’s go with this for our start into this new year of 2025.
IT’S OK - Repeat these after me, and then keep on repeating whenever you have self-doubt:
It’s ok to be the version of you that you want to be and not the vision of perfection demanded by society.
It’s OK to look in the mirror and smile before you comb your hair or brush your teeth; you are always worth a smile.
It’s OK to wear the clothes you are comfortable in, and not the ones you see in model magazines.
It’s OK if you don’t love 100% of your job, but at the same time, it’s ok to love the fact that it gives you a salary.
It’s OK that you have a fight with your partner or good friend; it just means you trust them enough to share that emotion.
It’s OK to daydream. Sometimes our most creative solutions come from these fantasy moments.
It’s OK that you don’t like everyone; not everyone is vibrating at the frequency that appeals to you.
It’s OK to be sad, upset, angry, depressed and love ourselves through it by actively finding ways to receive help.
It’s OK to be playful, silly, or joy-filled and not worry about how others perceive you. They’re just jealous that you are strong enough to be your authentic self.
It’s OK to be you, fearlessly!
Have an amazing start to 2025!
Much love,