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The Role of Silence in Sensing Connection

Just a couple of weeks ago I experienced something amazingly beautiful and I need to share it with you! In recent months, I have been so caught up in busy-ness that I haven’t taken the time to connect with the other side. I hadn’t paused to meditate or slow down for some time - and when that happens, I start to feel anxiety and low levels of stress creeping in. That’s my clue that I’ve been neglecting my connection with the other side. I decided to take myself on a meditative journey within, so with soothing soft music playing in the background and the door closed, I lay down with an eye pillow over my eyes (which is an eye mask but with a bit of weight) to guarantee no light seepage while I lay with my eyes closed. I was in the house alone, and there was no real street noise that morning, so my room was very still.

Part way through my relaxation time, while I was in a completely relaxed state, I felt something or someone gently stroking my right shoulder. It felt as though there was a person in the room, and I wondered if Danny had quietly entered the room, so I took a peek and nope, not Danny! In fact, no one was there. Just thinking it was my imagination, I put the eye pillow back on and retreated back into my relaxation. Just a few minutes after, I felt the sensation of someone lightly squeezing (not in a bad way or anything) my right shoulder. I checked but no one there again. It didn’t worry me at all, I just ended my meditation as it has been almost a half an hour, and got on with my morning!

Now this is the exciting part. Later in the day, I had lunch with my lovely friend Susan Grau (some of you may remember her from my recent YouTube video, or the Sanctuary Magic Hour). She is not only a friend of mine, but she is also a wonderful and talented Intuitive Medium! Anyway, we were enjoying our lunch outside in the sunshine, and she said to me out of nowhere, “I hope you know that your mom is with you right now and, in fact, is with you quite frequently. I see her grasping your right shoulder in a very motherly way, and stroking it.”

I nearly fainted! I was so excited to know that what I felt in that meditative moment earlier was the loving, supportive touch of my mother! Susan then also asked me if my mom loved cleaning because the lady she was seeing presented herself with a broom indicating she liked cleaning. I said “Yes! That’s my mom! She was obsessive about keeping her home clean!” Susan then let me know that she was sharing this detail to confirm the identity of the person she was seeing. Susan further went on to say that my mom wanted me to know that she’s always around me, but that I don’t sense her when I’m busy. She wanted me to take more quiet moments so that I would feel her connection and protectiveness around me. I became emotional and teary eyed at this information. My mom also wanted me to know how proud she is of me, and what I’ve done with my life.

I am forever grateful to my mother not just for the support she offered me during her physical life, but even more grateful for her supportive and loving touch during her ‘extra’ life on the other side. I am also grateful that Susan was able to convey the identity of the sensation I felt. However, I am grateful to myself as well for providing myself the silent opportunity to feel this unexpected connection. And it’s this element I wanted to share with you….the role of taking time out from the noise of daily life and being without expectation that gave me the gift of feeling this connection. You can bet I’ll be still, silent and without thought more frequently. And I offer this suggestion to all of you to try as well. Remember too, that what made this work was that during my meditative moments, I ceased thinking, needing, wanting or trying. I was just me, in silence.

Much love,


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