I’m really excited to join my colleagues (whom are all dear friends) in a few short days for a special event, TCCHE San Diego, as we discuss what human consciousness is and how we can accept, embrace and experience our own evolution.
What I’ve noticed recently is that the world is feeling very unbalanced, favoring ‘yang’ energy. This energy is what has traditionally been considered ‘male’ energy, or energy of force and protectionism. I feel in recent years we’ve been lacking the influence of the more ‘feminine’ energy as a global consciousness. This energy is the ‘yin’ energy of the restorative, nurturing warmth that accompanies growth. As I feel the dominance of yang energy draining so many of us and creating responses from fear and not love, I truly wish more yin-oriented leaders would step up, speak out and expand consciousness. When there is too much yang energy, the focus is on survival, power and being reminded of all the dangers out there so we can be protected from them.
If we could strive for more of a balance by increasing the yin response in our daily lives (because we definitely need both of these energies) we’d have a more balanced global consciousness. I feel that the fear approach is driving our actions these days. The energy of fear keeps you ‘safe’, but the energy of love keeps you nourished. I continue to feel our world is so polarized towards favouring fear that there is less room and encouragement for love based solutions. So my work will be honouring the yin aspects of living, and reminding people how to find a better balance between these two forces in life. Find your inner yin. Find the things that nourish you, so that you can nourish the world and contribute to a healthy balance in global consciousness. |
Much love, Anita ![]() |