I’ve been spending the beginning of this year in a much better place than I did last year, I’m happy to say. I feel rejuvenated, and excited about my new Sanctuary website, welcoming our old members and inviting new members in! And I’m equally excited about some new speaking engagements and events that are in the works for 2023! This strong start to the year has had me thinking about New Year’s Resolutions, what the point of them is, how many of us start so determined and how we can feel about them overall. That's why I make the same resolution every year, one I know I will be able to keep: I resolve to love myself more, enjoy myself more, and continue to connect myself more to spirit! These are my targets. They are the reason I’m here, and I get to fulfill them in the ways that make me feel great. If I were to put any specific details into my resolution, and something derails me from fulfilling those expectations, I would feel like I let myself down, and well, I don’t have time for that! I want to know that no matter what I am doing, I am doing the best I can. When I choose to do something, it is a self-loving act, because I chose it! If you have already made your resolution, and now think it’s too constricting, you can change it! There’s no shame in altering a personal mandate! It’s YOUR resolution after all! And if you had a resolution and it hasn't worked out, reexamine it and ask if it was really something that was bringing you joy and helping you live as your authentic self, or was it something you felt you HAD to do? I hope as you go forward into this year, you too can keep your resolutions open for the way you want to have them. You deserve to not have strict directives that don’t feel self-loving. So, resolve to love yourself and don’t worry about the details! Much love, Anita