This week I want to send everyone so much love, as you move toward the seasonal holiday time. I’ve written to you before about how to keep your energy high over the holidays (which can be draining for empaths). I’ve written before about ‘empty chairs’ around the family dinner table, (where we grieve a little more for the ones we have lost over the course of the year). But this year I want to invite you to think with a more forward focus as you move into 2025.
If we were sitting together over tea, I might start our conversation with a question like “How are you doing?” and what am really asking is “How do you think you’re doing?” What’s the real deal with how you feel about all aspects of your life including your spiritual side.
If you answered me with a less than happy answer, I might give you a hug and tell you “I’m sorry you feel you aren’t doing great”. But then I’d ask you: “What part of your current experience could use some improvement?” Is it self-love? Is it quiet time in nature? Is it missing loved ones so much you have a hard time getting through your day? What part of your emotional or spiritual self feels like it’s missing out on the joy of life?
From here, we could talk about so many of the practices I’ve been recommending for years that promote the one thing that underlies all of our spiritual and emotional needs: self-love. If you can commit to exploring and expanding your levels of self-love over the coming new year, and well into 2025, I believe you would notice immense changes, and you’d answer that first question: “How are you doing?” much more positively! Consider that 2025 is a year of You: you love yourself; you respect yourself; you give to yourself; and you support yourself. |
Much love, Anita |