If you follow me on social media you may have noticed that this month’s theme for my daily quotes is my first book, “Dying to be Me”. Over the last couple of days, I have been reflecting on where I was then (when I was writing the book back in 2011), and where I am now, with the different events and happenings in my life (including my recent burnout followed by my recent conference in Sedona). I wanted to share what popped back into my mind recently.

It’s not a new thought at all, but it’s one that has touched my attention, and that’s “choosing to do what we feel is right for us”. So basically, NOT letting others tell us what to do! Everyone has their own take on a situation. Even if that situation is yours. Sometimes, when we get a diagnosis of something worrisome, or if we are trying to make a decision about a new job, or moving to a new place, or even if we have a problem with a co-worker, people will offer their opinions to us. Sometimes we don’t even ask for their opinions and they give them to us anyway. This is what I think of as a “thought ambush” — where someone throws their thoughts at us telling us what to do, and we’re not equipped to respond to them, so we allow them to bamboozle us!
When we have information to process (as in a diagnosis) or a decision to make, it’s typical that an empath will survey everyone around them to get advice. In fact, it’s one of our traits that so many of us experience… we simply think others know better, and we want someone to tell us what to do. Decision making can be really hard for us, and if we’re in a people pleasing mode, we’ll take everyone’s opinion on. This is what I did when I received my diagnosis back in 2002. I searched high and low for information and asked people what they would do in my situation, only to find myself all over the place trying to follow all the advice I had been given. I was totally operating from a place of fear. Fear of the disease, fear of not doing anything, fear of doing the wrong thing, fear of letting people down who were telling me what to do. Wow, that was a lot of fear!
Anyway, today I’m a different person and when it comes to evaluating a choice, I don’t need other people’s opinions. I will stand quietly with myself, and perhaps call out to my guides, to feel the answer that is best for me. It took the NDE to teach me that I can do what’s right for me, according to me, and that’s that. If others are offended that I didn’t ask for their advice, or didn’t take their advice when they offered it, that is not my problem. My point is, I need to do what’s right for me, and I get to choose that! It’s really self-loving to stand in my power this way, and I just wanted to share this with all of you again, in case you needed to hear it. Do what’s right for you!
~ Much Love, Anita ~