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Event Terms & Conditions Disclaimer


It is possible that changes, delays, postponements, or new event dates may become necessary if there are circumstances beyond our control, such as unexpected weather conditions, political turmoil, pandemic restrictions, and/or similar causes that may require changes to the itinerary. We and our providers reserve the right to postpone or cancel the event, in which case any payment you have made to us will be refunded minus a 5% administrative fee. You waive the right to any further claims for compensation or damages, for any loss, consequential damage, expenses, or loss of time or inconvenience which may result from such cancellation.These terms, conditions, and policies may not be challenged nor negotiated. Herein you make a full agreement.


In the unforeseeable event that the event was to be canceled while the event is taking place, due to a pandemic or other causes beyond our control, no reimbursement of unutilized days of the event may be returned to the participants.


If the event is postponed to another date, your payment will be applied to the new event dates. If you are not able to attend the new rescheduled event dates, the same cancellation policy fee above will be applied.


The services described herein, and in the itinerary, are organized by us and/or our providers. All arrangements made on behalf of you are made on the condition that we and our providers shall not be held responsible for any injury, illness, death, accident, delay, loss, or damages that may be caused in all or in part, by the acts or omissions of others. The information contained on this page is correct to the best of our knowledge, but we accept no liability for any inaccuracies herein.


We reserve the right to alter any itinerary or service at any time without penalty. Any additional expense or cancellation costs shall be borne solely by you. We reserve the right to withdraw or refuse any service to any customer at our sole discretion. Your payment is your acknowledgment of, and agreement to, the terms herein.


You hold us free of responsibility or liability for any damages related to the event, regardless of cause. We and our agents will not be responsible or liable for any damages, expenses, or inconveniences caused by changes of schedule, strikes or work slowdowns, pandemics, natural catastrophes, hostile acts, or any other events. We will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage to any of your personal property. We and our affiliates, officers, employees, servants, and agents shall not be responsible for personal injury, illness, death, accident, delay, loss, damage, terrorist acts, natural catastrophe, irregularity, or property damage as a result of force majeure or for any other losses or damages incurred by any person or event participant caused by any delay, cancelation or change of itinerary or arising out of any act, including, but not limited to, any act of negligence by any person acting for or on behalf of us.


You understand and agree that during the course of the event certain risks may occur. You agree to assume all risks associated with the event and agree that no liability will attach to us or our outfitters, employees or agents, or to any member of the event group in respect of death, personal injury, illness or delay, or for any loss of or damage to your property during the course of the event, regardless of cause. You accept all risk of any walking, hikes, excursions, swimming, outdoor and indoor activities, motor vehicles, coaches, and boat tours. You certify that you are not ill or carrying any contagious diseases or illnesses. We reserve the right to withdraw a service or any part of it, to make alterations in the itineraries as we deem necessary or desirable. We reserve the right to decline, to accept, or to retain any person as a member of any party at any time. “Catch-up fees” are the responsibility of you in the event of missed transportation at any leg of the tour. You understand that neither traveler’s insurance nor medical insurance is provided by us, and it is your responsibility to obtain such insurance if it is desired.


We place great emphasis on harmony amongst the event participants and all other persons involved in the event. We reserve the right to remove any disruptive attendee from the event, without reimbursement of any fees. If an attendee chooses to leave the event for any reason, there will be no reimbursement of any fees.

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